Higher Education Leadership Team

¶611 The Director of Higher Education

The President of Huntington University shall be the Director of Higher Education.

¶612 Duties of the Director of Higher Education

The Director of Higher Education creates and promotes interest in Christian higher education throughout the US National Conference

¶613 Personnel

1. Members

The Higher Education Leadership Team shall consist of the following:

a. The US bishop.

b. Seven members nominated by the bishop and appointed by the Executive Leadership Team.

c. The Director of Higher Education and any associate staff shall be advisory members.

2. Terms

Team members shall serve terms of four years, and shall be eligible to serve no more than three consecutive terms without one year off the team. However, the US National Conference may elect a team member to serve additional terms without regard to the three consecutive term limit. Such exceptions would be considered:

a. To allow a team member to serve as chair or vice chair of the board of Huntington University.

b. To fill a need for specific expertise or unique perspective on the team.

3. Lay/Clergy Ratio

The voting members of the Higher Education Leadership Team shall include at least 40% laypersons and 40% clergy.

¶614 Team Officers

1. The Higher Education Leadership Team shall elect a chairperson, assistant chairperson, and recording secretary at its first meeting following its appointment.

2. These officers shall hold office until their successors are elected. All officers shall be United Brethren members.

¶615 Meetings

1. The Higher Education Leadership Team shall meet at least annually.

2. Special meetings shall be called by the chairperson.

3. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

¶616 Executive Committee

1. The executive committee shall consist of the officers and the US bishop.

2. This committee shall meet at the call of the chairperson or upon the request of two of its members.

3. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

¶617 Duties and Powers

1. The Higher Education Leadership Team is responsible for policies which effect the work of higher education in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

2. The Higher Education Leadership Team shall report to the meetings of the US National Conference and the Executive Leadership Team.

3. The Higher Education Leadership Team represents the beliefs, practices, and interests of the denomination to the Huntington University Board of Trustees.

4. The Higher Education Leadership Team is responsible for the oversight of the United Brethren Historical Society.

¶618 Vacancies

The Executive Leadership Team will fill vacancies on the Higher Education Leadership Team. The Higher Education Leadership Team may suggest persons to be considered for appointment.

UB Discipline

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