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NC 2025

July 15-18, 2025
Grand Wayne Center
Fort Wayne, IN


UB Global

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Three Enduring Commitments

Throughout our history, the United Brethren in Christ have been
characterized by commitments to the Gospel, to Unity, and to Mission.

Who We Are

The Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, consists of about 200 churches and other ministries in the United States.

We are part of an international United Brethren fellowship which includes 560-some churches in 18 countries.

We trace our beginning to 1767, when a Mennonite evangelist and a German Reformed preacher began working together. Despite many differences in belief and practice, they realized they agreed on the need for a life-changing conversion experience.

You want labels? Try these. We are evangelical. Arminian (pretty much). Conservative (but not fundamentalist). Kingdom-minded. Non-legalistic. Bible-centered. Good-natured.

Interesting Stuff About Us

We were the first denomination to begin in America, rather than be transplanted from Europe.

We were one of the first denominations to take a strong stand against slavery, clear back in 1821.

Our colleges have always admitted women and minorities.

We don’t get hung up on worship styles, methods of baptism, end times scenarios, Bible versions, and a lot of other issues. We stick to the core of the Gospel, desiring unity amidst diversity.

Most of the United States churches are located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. The US national office is located in Huntington, Ind.



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Huntington University

Our denomination's college in Huntington, Ind. Visit →


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