Local Church Finances

Through the Partnership Fee, local churches support the cooperative ministries of the US National Conference (leadership teams, education, bishop’s office, communications, etc.). The amount is the same for every church: 3.5% of their total income.

We let churches deduct three types of income:

  1. Gifts designated for mission work (UB or non-UB).
  2. Giving toward new construction.
  3. Estate income.

All other income is then subject to the 3.5% fee.

This amount is a substantial reduction of the “assessments” churches paid prior to 2006, which typically ran 10-12%. We want to keep resources in our churches.

The Monthly Report Form and Treasurer Information Form can be downloaded separately, either as Word or PDF documents, using the links below.


Contact Marci Hammel, United Brethren Finance Director

Local Church Monthly Report Form

Churches use a monthly report form to itemize their payments to the national office. It includes lines for Partnership Fee (the 3.5%), in addition to funds for staff defined-benefit pension and/or retirement program assessment contributions.

In all cases, payments for one month are due by the 15th of the next month (January payments due by February 15).

These payments are not tax-deductible, and no receipt will be issued to your church. Make checks payable to: United Brethren in Christ.

Defined-Benefit Pension and/or Retirement Program Assessment Contributions. You will be mailed a report when your pastor is enrolled in the denominational defined-benefit pension and/or retirement program assessment program, along with any needed updates.

The Monthly Report Form is available as a fillable Microsoft Word document or as a PDF.

Treasurer Information Form

The denomination’s Finance Director needs contact information for all local church treasurers. Treasurers need to submit this form just once. Whenever there is a change in treasurer, the new person needs to complete and send the form.

You can provide the treasurer information through an online form. The Treasurer Information Form is also available as a fillable Microsoft Word document or as a PDF.

UB Global Contributions

Use this form to itemize church gifts toward our joint missions efforts. This can include missionary support, mission projects, and other needs. These payments are tax-deductible, unless for personal gifts. Receipt forms will be mailed to your church for these donations. Make checks payable to: UB Global.

“Return Receipt Forms” should still be used for recurring donations (for example, monthly support for a particular missionary).

It would be helpful if you send a separate check for each form (one check for the National Church Finances, another for UB Global Contributions).

To obtain this form, contact UB Global at info@ub.org or call toll-free: 888.622.3019.

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