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Let people know what’s happening in your church–special services, baptisms, mission trips, youth events, staff changes, etc. Others UBs want to know.

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We use news in these ways:

UBCentral. Nearly all news is used on

UB Daily News. Around 11 am each morning, UB Daily News subscribers receive an email containing all items posted on UBCentral during the previous 24 hours. This is by far the best way to keep up on what’s happening in the United Brethren world–in churches, among pastors, in missions, events, etc.

Connect. Selected news is sent once or twice a month to the 1000+ persons who subscribe to Connect, our denominational e-letter.

Worldview. News related to missions sometimes shows up in the Worldview newsletter, published by UB Global.

Facebook. Some items, especially those of a timely or urgent nature, are posted on our Facebook page.