On This Day in UB History

During 2017, the United Brethren denomination celebrated its 250th anniversary. As part of that, we recognized people and events from throughout our history. Throughout 2017, brief articles were posted about something from our history that occurred on that day. They were posted on UBCentral.org, and are also compiled here, with links to the original post on UBCentral. There were a total of 211 posts during 2017.



14 posts

January 3, 1901: Birth of former bishop Clyde W. Meadows.

January 7, 1955: Dedication of Centennial High School in Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone.

January 8, 2011: Death of Rita Wild Koroma, a missionary teacher in Sierra Leone 1954-1962.

January 11, 1988: The English Language Program begins in Macau.

January 12, 2010: A monster earthquake strikes Haiti.

January 14, 1983: A letter is published saying merger talks between the UB church and two other denomination have broken down.

January 15, 1957: Nancy Hull N’Gele begins the first of three terms as a missionary in Sierra Leone.

January 16, 1996: Dedication of our first church building in Thailand.

January 17, 1982: First service of Immanuel UB church in Carlisle, Pa.

January 20, 1984: Conclusion of a five-day Church Leaders Clinic in Columbus, Ohio, led by John Maxwell.

January 20, 1890: Birth of Dr. George Fleming, future UB pastor, missionary, and head of our denominational missions program.

January 28, 1952: Bumpe Bible Institute opens in Sierra Leone to train ministers.

January 29, 1989: Denny Miller preaches his first sermon as pastor of Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind.

January 30, 1995: Rebels capture the town of Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone.
