Cathy Reich
Events Coordinator
Events Coordinator
Cathy Reich is Events Coordinator for the UB National Office. In that role she manages many aspects of the various denominational gatherings which occur. The flagship event is the national conference, which occurs every two years. But there are many other events–the UB women’s conference, leadership team meetings, the annual gathering for cluster leaders, and summits for senior pastors and spouses, associate staff, and youthworkers.
Cathy scouts locations, negotiates with hotels and convention centers, oversees event planning and registration, and handles many other responsibilities related to these events. This is a part-time position which she does remotely, without an office at the UB headquarters.
Cathy started as Events Coordinator in October 2021 after having already served at the UB National Office for 23 years. She began working for the UB printshop in 1975 while a student at Huntington University. When the printshop was closed in 1981, she became executive secretary to Paul Hirschy in the new Church Services department. She left that role in 1984 upon the birth of her first child, but returned in 2007 to become administrative assistant to Bishop Ron Ramsey. She continued serving in that role for bishops Phil Whipple and Todd Fetters.
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750
(260) 356-2312. x311
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