In a study of the gift ministry of the Holy Spirit, one becomes deeply impressed with the thought that any doctrine of the church, though right in itself, can be wrongly elevated to a position it does not deserve. There must be a balanced message. At its center is man’s salvation in Jesus Christ.
We must place equal emphasis upon the importance of the Spirit and the Word. The Church must be open to whatever God wants her to do. The Church must discover a professed openness to the fullness of the Spirit which reconciles negative attitudes. Those of the church who disagree on the gift ministry must remember love is the cord that never breaks. The Church must seek to have everything done under the guidance of the Spirit, in obedience to the Word, so that it exalts Jesus Christ, ministers to the Church and witnesses to the world. The deepest intention of members of the Church should be a spiritual fullness that we so desperately need.
This study, “The Holy Spirit: An Approach to Understanding His Gifts,” has been prepared at the direction of the General Conference and under the guidance of the General Board of Administration of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.
The members of the committee were chosen from a broad representation in the church. An effort was made to include those of various understandings and persuasions. They are to be commended for their thoroughness, understanding, and strict adherence to the Scriptures.
Those serving on the committee were: