Bob Bruce
Associate Pastor of Spiritual Care
Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
Instructor for the UB History Course
The life of our third bishop who traveled over 250,000 miles on horseback and is responsible for greatly expanding the UB Church.
(Repeated at 10:00)
Dr. Anthony Blair
President of Evangelical Seminary
Myerstown, Pa.
Ordained UB minister
The story of our “forgotten founder,” Martin Boehm—a powerful symbol of the UB heritage of working across denominational lines for the Kingdom of God.
(Repeated at 11:00)
Led by members of the Task Force on Human Sexuality
An open discussion about issues related to the proposals from the Task Force on Human Sexuality.
(Repeated at 10:00 and 11:00)
Brian Kluth
National Director for NAE/UB
Financial Health for All partnership
Discover ten ways God provides when the paycheck or budget isn’t always big enough, and five ways every church can create a culture of joyful generosity.
(Repeated at 10:00 and 11:00)
Michelle Harris and Frank Y
Associate directors of Global Ministries
Former missionaries
A scripture-based model of prayer that can rekindle your personal prayer life and help groups pray together.
Jeff Bleijerveld
Director of Global Ministries
David Kline
Associate Director of Global Ministries
The Discovery Bible Study method, through which a simple invitation to read the Bible together can be used to evangelize and make disciples.
Mark Wilson
Senior Pastor, Fowlerville UB church
Fowlerville, Mich.
How to engage your congregation in actively loving, serving, and connecting with your community.
Alan MacDonald
Pastor of Global Engagement, Fairfax Community Church (Fairfax, Va.)
Former UB endorsed missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Understanding the refugee crisis, and responding as a church to the refugees in our midst. From a former UB endorsed missionary who travels frequently to the Middle East and Africa to minister to refugees.
(Repeated at 11:00)
Andy Sikora
Founding pastor of ReNew Communities
Berea, Ohio
Instilling a missional focus in your church’s groups and programs to connect with the community and reach persons far from God.
Lisa Fetters
United Brethren ministry wife for 29 years
This panel discussion, featuring women with broad ministry backgrounds, will focus on questions about our own relationship with Christ, developing meaningful relationships, and impacting our world.
The Admissions department team.
Topic: College 101
Nancy Allison
Retreat speaker and women’s mentor
Chambersburg, Pa.
The importance of honoring your body, mind and spirit (faith) through health, healing, and wholeness.
Bob Bruce
Associate Pastor of Spiritual Care
Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.)
Instructor for the UB History Course
The life of our third bishop who traveled over 250,000 miles on horseback and is responsible for greatly expanding the UB Church.
(Repeated from 9:00 session)
Dr. Daryl Elliott
Senior pastor, Fountain UB Church
Keyser, W. Va.
UB History Course instructor
The life of William Otterbein, the founding of the United Brethren movement, and his continuing impact on our church’s life and thought.
(Repeated at 11:00)
Led by members of the Task Force on Human Sexuality
An open discussion about issues related to the proposals from the Task Force on Human Sexuality.
(Repeated at 9:00 and 11:00)
Brian Kluth
National Director for NAE/UB
Financial Health for All partnership
Discover ten ways God provides when the paycheck or budget isn’t always big enough, and five ways every church can create a culture of joyful generosity.
(Repeated at 9:00 and 11:00)
Frank Y
Associate director of Global Ministries
Huntington, Ind.
What would happen if our churches empowered those in the marketplace to fully serve and worship through their work? How would that transform our neighborhoods and the nations?
David Kline
Associate Director of Global Ministries
Huntington, Ind.
Mission trips can have negative unintended consequences on the churches and communities we go to serve. This workshop examines best practices in forming healthy relationships with brothers and sisters around the world.
Dennis Miller
Senior pastor, Emmanuel Community Church
Fort Wayne, Indiana
William Otterbein once said, “…be careful, and to preach no other doctrine than what is plainly laid down in the Bible.” For many in modern America, the teaching from the pulpit or classroom has become a discussion of topics or personal agendas. This workshop focuses on the effective preparation and presentation of God’s Word.
Steve Dennie
UB Communications Director
Author, All for Christ
Huntington, Ind.
Alcohol, women in ministry, slavery, freemasonry, music–these are some of the issues UBs have argued about over the years. We’ll survey these and other debates we’ve had among ourselves.
Dr. Dalton Jenkins
Senior pastor, Bethany Temple of Praise
Yonkers, New York
How can you truly and radically live out the mission of the church in your daily life while staying true to Scripture? This involves looking at three Cs–the community where the mission is carried out, the congregation where training is done, and the core (people) who are doing the work.
Dr. Sherilyn Emberton
President of Huntington University
Huntington, Ind.
In our role as leaders in our churches, businesses, and homes, we face many challenges in developing faith-filled followers. This workshop looks at ways to free up space for mentoring, and what mentoring involves.
The Admissions department team.
Topic: Prayer
Kathy Bruce, moderator
Emmanuel Community Church
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Ideas and resources to practice biblical hospitality, whether to the new family in the church, international students at the local college, or others in need of welcome in your community.
Dr. Anthony Blair
President of Evangelical Seminary
Myerstown, Pa.
Ordained UB minister
The story of our “forgotten founder,” Martin Boehm—a powerful symbol of the UB heritage of working across denominational lines for the Kingdom of God.
(Repeated from 9:00)
Dr. Daryl Elliott
Senior pastor, Fountain UB Church
Keyser, W. Va.
UB History Course instructor
The life of William Otterbein, the founding of the United Brethren movement, and his continuing impact on our church’s life and thought.
(Repeated from 10:00)
Led by members of the Task Force on Human Sexuality
An open discussion about issues related to the proposals from the Task Force on Human Sexuality.
(Repeated at 9:00 and 10:00)
Brian Kluth
National Director for NAE/UB
Financial Health for All partnership
Discover ten ways God provides when the paycheck or budget isn’t big enough, and five ways churches can create a culture of joyful generosity.
(Repeated from 9:00 and 11:00)
Global Ministries Staff
Hear testimonies from UB missionaries we can’t mention on our website, because they work in restricted access countries where they could be deported or locals could be persecuted.
Dennis Zimmerman
Dennis Zimmerman, Financial Advisor
Acuitas Financial Group (Ameriprise Financial Services)
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Explore strategies for enhancing your retirement savings through better implementation of the benefits offered by the UB retirement program.
Dr. Jody Bowser
Senior pastor, King Street Church
Chambersburg, Pa.
Spiritually Alive, Relationally Connected, Missionally Engaged: explore how these commitments must drive our ministry and serve as a blueprint for making disciples.
Alan MacDonald
Pastor of Global Engagement, Fairfax Community Church (Fairfax, Va.)
Former UB endorsed missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Understanding the refugee crisis, and responding as a church to the refugees in our midst.
(Repeated from 9:00)
Jim Bolich
Senior pastor, Prince Street UB Church (Shippensburg, Pa.)
Jen Blandin
Global Ministries missionary in Macau
Exploring the opportunities and challenges that come with establishing and nurturing friendships across cultural boundaries.
Greg Voight
Senior pastor, Lancaster UB Church
Lancaster, Ohio
What could God do if we focused on reaching the people who live in our neighborhoods, work where we work, play where we play, and go to school where we go to school?
The Admissions department team.
Topic: Identity
Dr. Sherilyn Emberton
President, Huntington University
Huntington, Ind.
Scripture provides a beautiful backdrop for the importance of gender in Creation. This session engages participants in discussion and celebration in how we are created uniquely and individually, male and female, with clear purpose and calling.
Arthur Wilson
Dean of Spiritual Life & Campus Pastor
Huntington University
In this workshop, participants will explore strategies on how to use the Scriptures to help young adults break free from the grasp of sexual impurity.