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“We were frontier from the beginning.”

– Frank Yang

Following his address to the UB National Conference earlier this year where he stated, “We were frontier from the beginning,” Frank Yang, Director of UB Global, was approached with an idea… to slap that slogan on a t-shirt. But rather than doing it in-house, we thought it would be way more fun to put it out there as a contest to see what the fine folks of UB-dom could create. So now it’s on you!

You are invited to create and submit your design for the FRONTIER FROM THE BEGINNING t-shirt design contest for a chance to win some fabulous prizes AND have your design featured in the UB Merch store.

Contest Rules:

  1. All entries must be submitted using the form below by October 20, 2023.
  2. Each creator may submit up to 2 designs.
  3. Designs must be original creations and must not contain graphics, artwork, or images from other sources.
  4. Winners will be announced on October 27, 2023.
  5. Winning design(er) will receive: 1 free t-shirt with your winning design AND $50 credit to the the UB Merch store (unitedbrethrengear.com)
  6. Runner up will receive: $25 credit to the UB Merch Store.

If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected]. Otherwise, go start creating and get your designs submitted on time!

Fill out my online form.