Youth Ministry Team

The Youth Ministry Team exists to help United Brethren churches with their youth ministries. If you have any questions or needs regarding youth ministry, feel free to contact a member of the Youth Ministry Team and they’ll see what they can do. They would enjoy connecting with you and helping meet your youth ministry needs.

The Youth Ministry Team is appointed by the bishop.

Their big event every year is the UB Youth Workers Summit, held in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Bobby Culler

Bobby Culler (chairperson)
Youth Pastor
Mount Pleasant Church
Chambersburg, Pa.

Hunter Taylor

Hunter Taylor
Youth Pastor
Brown Corners UB church
Clare, Mich.

Chip Stottlemyer
Youth Director
Ebenezer UB Church
Greencastle, Pa.

Katie Beery
Director of Youth and Youth Adult Ministries
Living Grace Community Church
Fort Wayne, In.

Nick Balsiger
Associate Pastor of Student Ministries
The Well
Huntington, In.