Categories of Ministers. We have six categories of ministers, each with its own requirements and expectations.
Ministerial Education. We’ve set certain educational requirements for ministers.
Courses for Ministers. We occasionally offer special classes for ministers.
Assigning Pastors. Senior pastors are assigned to churches in a cooperative process involving the church and the denomination. Churches are fully responsible for other staff positions.
Profile Forms. A church profile and pastoral profile are used in the stationing process.
Agreement of Understanding. This document covers many topics on which a church and its new pastor need to agree.
The Pastor’s Salary. Here is a recommended way to set your pastor’s salary package.
Health Insurance. Health coverage for UB ministers is available through the United Brethren Association for Church Development.
Housing Allowance. The local church governing board needs to pass a housing allowance resolution each year.
Pastoral Ministry Handbook. This document, maintained by the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team, describes the various categories and gives much other policy information regarding ministers.
Clusters. All senior pastors are required to be part of a cluster (a group of about 7 other ministers). This is a basic organizational unit for us.
Annual Reports. All licensed ministers are required to submit an annual report to the Bishop’s office.
Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team. This group, appointed by the bishop, is responsible for many issues regarding United Brethren ministers.