Licensing Course of Study

The Course of Study is the educational preparation required of United Brethren ministers. Recognizing that those preparing to serve as ministers represent a wide variety of settings and circumstances, the Church of the United Brethren in Christ USA has approved several pathways for completing the Course of Study. These pathways are discussed in the Pastoral Ministry Handbook.

Ordination Requirements

The course of study for ordination has five areas:

1. Personal Discipline

  1. Spiritual Formation.*
  2. Bible Study Methods*
  3. Christian World View
  4. Christian Ethics
  5. Ministry in the Marketplace

2. Bible, History, and Theology

  1. Old Testament Survey.*
  2. New Testament Survey.*
  3. Church History Survey.
  4. Intro to Theology.*
  5. Advanced Theology
  6. Bible Elective 1.*
  7. Bible Elective 2.*

3. Pastoral Ministry

  1. Pastoral Counseling*
  2. Preaching*
  3. Intro to Pastoral Ministries*
  4. Ministry Internship
  5. Pastoral Ministry Elective

4. Church Ministry

  1. Worship.
  2. Christian Education
  3. Disciple Making
  4. Equipping
  5. Evangelism*
  6. Missions
  7. Church Leadership/Management*

Any Questions?

Contact Jim Bolich, the Director of Licensing.