Instructions for 2020 Reports

There are Two Different Reports

1. Minister’s Annual Report. An annual report is required of all licensed United Brethren ministers–assigned, unassigned, and retired. The report is just one page long. All ministers can use the online forms at You can download a copy of the form as Word document, which you can fill out on your computer and then email or mail back to the Bishop’s Office. Or, easiest of all, you can use the online form.

2. Local Church Annual Report. Only senior pastors need to complete this report. Send the original to the bishop. Make a copy for yourself, and a copy for your cluster leader. A fillable form can be downloaded from the UB website; you can then fill it in on your computer and email it to the Bishop’s office. Or, you can use the online form. Go to

Minister’s Annual Report

Places of Service During 2020. If you need more lines, improvise.

People with Whom You had a Discipling Relationship. This involves persons with whom you met regularly (individually, in a discipleship group, or otherwise) with the purpose of helping them become better followers of Christ.

Continuing Education: Books. Ordained elders (unless retired) are required to read at least four ministry-related books a year. You probably read many more than that, but just list four of the most significant ones.

Continuing Education: Instruction. Ordained elders (unless retired) are required to earn 20 credit hours per year. Here are some United Brethren options:

1. Full attendance at National Conference: 6 credit hours.

2. Any pastoral summit: 20 hours.

3. Cluster meeting: 1 hour, with a maximum of 6 hours. Attendance at all 6 cluster meetings in one year = 6 credit hours.

4. UB History seminar (two-days): 12 hours.

5. Pastoral Coaching: 2 hours.

6. Other seminars: 1 credit hour for each hour of instruction. If you attended conferences or training events but are unsure if it qualified for continuing education, please include it anyway.

7. Idea to Action Symposium: 3-5 hours.

License Advancement Form. This is for ministers working toward a national conference or specialized ministry license, or ordination. This should be used to detail your next steps in the process.

Exemption from Assignment. This is a new item found only on the Unassigned Ministers form. It is based on a new Chapter 11 added to the Pastoral Ministry Handbook.

Local Church Annual Report

The financial section has two parts—Income, and Expenses (money you take in, and money you spend or give away). No money should be reported in more than one income category, or in more than one expense category. When you’re not sure, use your best judgment. Round off all figures to the nearest whole-dollar amount ($638, not $637.75). Your church treasurer should be able to provide figures.


Tithes and Offerings. This includes all regular giving—basically, what is put in the offering plate. But from this amount, you need to deduct money designated for missions and building fund, and put those amounts on the next two lines (“Missions Income” and “Building Fund Income”). This is important. The amount of “Tithes and Offerings” is used to calculate your 3.5% partnership fee, and it shouldn’t include missions, building fund, and estate money.

Missions Income. This is money given specifically for missions (whether UB or non-UB).

Building Fund Income. Money given specifically for church construction, renovation, etc.

Other Income. This could include grants, bequests, and anything else which doesn’t fit in the other categories.

Total Income. Add the four income lines for the Total Income.


Personnel Costs. This includes salaries, wages, insurance, benefits, and the three percent withheld for pension purposes. It applies to pastoral and non-pastoral staff (secretary, custodian, organist, paid nursery workers, etc.). This doesn’t include support for missionaries.

New Construction. Only include money actually spent during 2020 toward new construction. It also includes interest paid for borrowed money. This means that you may not have built anything new during the year, yet you report as “New Construction” monies which help pay for something built several years before.

Partnership Fee. This is the amount you gave to help support denominational and cooperative ministries. The expectation is 3.5% of your tithes and offerings.

Other Giving Beyond Your Local Church. This would include giving to missions, Christian colleges, local agencies with whom you partner, etc.

Other Expenses. This is a catch-all for anything which doesn’t fit in one of the other categories.

Total Expenses. Add the above five lines to get the total expenses.

Average Attendances

Main worship services(s). For most churches, this means only the morning worship service. Larger churches might include the total from two or three Sunday morning services, plus perhaps the attendance from a Saturday night service. This year, online attendance played a big role.

Obviously, 2020 is a difficult year for determining average attendance. We included lines for in-person attendance, and for online attendance. Use a number that you’re comfortable with. But please, include something as your total average attendance. This is an important figure for historical records for both your church and, cumulatively, for the denomination.

You may omit Sundays when, because of severe weather, you cancelled services or experienced extremely low attendance.

Membership Records

Your church’s membership list should be revised as of the end of December 2019.

Personnel List

Church Staff. We need to know the persons serving on staff at your church in a paid capacity. We also want their email addresses, so we can include them to receive periodic denominational news.

Other Contacts. We list various lay positions who will provide valuable contacts if needed. For example, the Personnel Relations contact would be used in case of a pastoral change.