Staying in at
the Inn?
Pampered Chef Demonstration
Time: 1:30.
Jane Seely, former UB staffer and current Pampered Chef Consultant, has invited you to a demonstration on Saturday afternoon. Jane will also be answering questions on how to let Pampered Chef be a fundraising option for your local church or not-for-profit. You can start shopping early here.
Book Club Discussion
Time: 1:30 (limited number available for purchase)
Book Club Discussion Option*
The ladies from Park Layne UB, New Carlisle, Ohio, invite you to attend their monthly book club discussion. The book, When You Don’t Like Your Story (What if your worst chapters could become your greatest victories?) by Sharon Jaynes, can be pre-ordered through Amazon, or we will have a limited number available on site.
Games and conversation will be welcomed in our breakout rooms in the Inn. Box lunches available for purchase