The Holy Spirit


The preparation of this paper was undertaken with two basic assumptions in mind:

  1. There is validity today for the expression of the biblical gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  2. The reception of the gift of the Holy Spirit qualifies the believer for any of the gifts that the Holy Spirit may choose to give him.

Several guidelines were also kept in mind:

  1. The Scriptures are the final authority and experience is to be interpreted in light of the Scriptures.
  2. God is sovereign and it is futile to circumscribe Him.
  3. The truth is to be spoken in love, rather than to create strong polarization.
  4. This project must keep the whole United Brethren fellowship in focus.
  5. This project is exploratory and suggestive rather than exhaustive. Hopefully it will help clear the way for a better understanding of what the gift of the Holy Spirit means to us, and how He would minister through His church today.
  6. The scripture quotations, unless noted otherwise, are from the New American Standard Bible.

There are four parts:

  • Part 1: The Holy Spirit Ministers to the Believer
  • Part 2: How the Bible Portrays the Holy Spirit’s Ministry
  • Part 3: The Holy Spirit Ministers Through His Enabling Gifts
  • Part 4: The Spirit Superintendents His Gifts
  • Part 5: Conclusion and Acknowledgements
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