Workshops (Friday Morning)
Nearly 50 workshops will be offered on Friday morning, divided among three time slots:
9:00 – 9:45
10:00 – 10:45
11:00 – 11:45
For those participating online, a pre-recorded presentation will be available. Both in-person and online participants will have email access to the presenter both before and up to one month after National Conference. Presenters will share documents, answer questions, and interact through an email group.
For in-person participants, coffee breaks will be provided throughout the morning.
Some of the Workshop Topics
The Pastor as Chief Disciple Maker
Becoming a Reproducing Church
Engaging Your Church in Missions
Transformation for Women Incarcerated and Dealing with Addictions
Using a Missionary Support team
Racial Attitudes Among Today’s College Students
Missions Curriculum for Your Church
Stories of Making Disciples on UB Mission Fields
The Art of Leading a Great Discipleship Conversation
The Importance of His Word in Making Disciples
Sharing Your Faith in Everyday Situations
The Story of the UB Confession of Faith
Stories of UB People During the Civil War
Top Legal Trends Affecting Religion