Children and Youth


Childcare will be provided at no cost at the Hilton Hotel for children in these age groups:

  • Nursery (birth to age 2)
  • Preschool (ages 3-5)


  • Tuesday night (service)
  • Wednesday morning (business session)
  • Wednesday night (service)
  • Thursday morning (workshops)
  • Thursday night (service)
  • Friday morning (closing service)

Middle School Teens

On Wednesday, July 12, a special afternoon excursion is planned. At 11:00 am, middle-schoolers will leave Fort Wayne to join senior high youth in a trip to the Marion Splash House. There will also be a tour of Huntington University. Transportation, lunch, and dinner will be provided. Middle-schoolers will be back in Fort Wayne at 7:00 pm Wednesday. There is no cost.
Please fill out this form for each middle schooler.

High School Youth Camp

Huntington University would like to invite all current 8-12 graders who plan to attend the UB National Conference to participate in a 3-day residential camp on campus. Lodging and meals will be provided on the campus. The camp will include a variety of recreational activities and trips. Students will get a chance to experience college life, worship and grow in their faith through devotionals and workshops, learn more about preparing for college, and find out about what being a student at HU may be like. Registration is now available.

Here is the link to the form required for each senior high youth attending Youth Camp.

Register for the Youth Camp here.

Go here for the page about the UB Youth Camp.

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