
¶201 Introduction

1. In its broadest sense, the term “minister” can be applied to all Christians who use the gifts God has given them. Within that understanding, all United Brethren members should be “ministers,” actively developing and using the gifts they have received.

2. In its more restrictive use, “minister” refers to individuals who have been recognized by the church as having received a more specific call from God. This call has been confirmed through a process of study and examination which has also equipped them to perform specific tasks within the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

3. The United Brethren church does not discriminate in granting ministerial credentials on the basis of gender or race.

¶202 Classifications

1. Ministers in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, can be classified as follows:

a. Lay ministers.
b. Provisional ministers.
c. Specialized ministers.
d. National conference ministers.
e. Ordained elders.

2. Specific descriptions for each of these classifications are described in the Pastoral Ministry Handbook maintained and revised by the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team.

3. Any ministers in these classifications who are employed by a local church and who meet current Internal Revenue Service requirements for exemption, are considered by the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, as eligible for such exemption.

4. Policies regarding assigning, employing and terminating senior pastors are explained in the Pastoral Ministry Handbook.

¶203 United Brethren Ministerial Association

1. All persons credentialed by the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team are automatically members of the United Brethren Ministerial Association as outlined in the Pastoral Ministry Handbook.

2. All such ministers must maintain the requirements for membership in the United Brethren Ministerial Association. Failure to do so will render the credentials null and void.

¶204 Expectations

1. General Statement

a. All ministers are expected to model a Christ-centered lifestyle. In so doing, they will confirm the message of the death, resurrection, and return of Christ which they are to proclaim.

b. They are to evangelize the lost, assimilate them into the church, and train those in their churches to be effective disciples of Jesus Christ as they nurture them in the faith.

c. No person shall be approved or retained as a licensed minister in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, whose life is not in harmony with the established moral and social standards of the church as defined in the Discipline.

2. Spiritual Development and Lifestyle

All ministers should give priority time to their own spiritual development through the disciplines of prayer, meditation on the Word of God, and fasting. They should be wise managers of their time, and above reproach in their relationships with all people. They should use their speech judiciously, speaking evil of no one, and should take the initiative in restoring broken relationships.

3. Pastoral Transitions

When ministers transition from ministerial positions, the friendships and bonds of affection they have established with their parishioners continue; however, the pastoral relationship does not. Since the primary goal at the time of transition is the development of the new pastoral relationship, ministers are to operate in light of the following expectations. Violation of these provisions shall be considered trespassing, and ministers so accused shall be answerable to the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team.

a. Ministers shall not communicate with members of a previous congregation in such a way that it disrupts the work of the successor.

b. Ministers shall not perform funerals, baptisms or weddings, nor participate in any other pastoral function at their former churches or for members of their former churches, unless specifically invited to do so by the current pastor or the cluster leader of the current pastor.

c. Ministers shall not arbitrarily form a new congregation (regardless of denominational affiliation) without the approval of the bishop.

UB Discipline

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