Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team

¶621 Purpose

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team oversees the licensing and ordination process for the US National Conference and gives leadership to the professional development of its ministers.

¶622 Personnel

1. Members. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall consist of the following:

a. Chairperson of the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team.
b. US bishop.
c. Up to eight additional members appointed by the Executive Leadership Team.

2. Qualifications. The chairperson and appointed members must be ordained elders in the United Brethren Church

¶623 Meetings

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall meet at least semi-annually. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

¶624 Duties and Powers

1. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall report to the US National Conference and Executive Leadership Team.

2. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall develop in conjunction with the bishop a strategy to recruit new pastors.

3. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team will be responsible for promoting professional development and continuing education for pastors.

4. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team is responsible for ministerial education for the US National Conference.

5. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall set all guidelines pertaining to licensing and ordination.

6. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall appoint and oversee regional Ministerial Licensing and Ordination teams.

7. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team will have the final authority to grant licenses and approve ordinations.

8. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall establish procedures for the discipline and restoration of ministers.

9. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall encourage healthy clergy lifestyles and provide support for ministers experiencing burnout.

10. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall set guidelines and procedures for pastoral assignments.

11. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall maintain and revise the Pastoral Ministry Handbook, stating information about the description, qualifications, licensing, expectations, and accountability of the various categories of ministers.

¶625 Vacancies

The Executive Leadership Team will fill vacancies on the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team. The PMLT may suggest persons to be considered for appointment by the Executive Leadership Team.

UB Discipline

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