Duties of Senior Pastors

¶431 To be holy in lifestyle.

1. By leading a life of prayer.

2. By spending time devotionally in God’s Word.

3. By setting an example of the Christian life within the church and community.

¶432 To preach and teach the Word of God.

1. By giving priority to study and preparation.

2. By having a preaching/teaching plan to present the whole Word of God.

¶433 To provide for the regular observance of the ordinances and ceremonies of the church.

1. By celebrating the Lord’s Supper.

2. By providing opportunities for Christian baptism.

3. By performing weddings and funerals.

¶434 To equip the believers for works of service.

1. By helping them find their spiritual gifts.

2. By training them to become proficient in the use of God’s Word.

3. By training them in the various aspects of ministry.

4. By allowing them to be involved in personal ministry within the local church.

¶435 To do and teach the work of an evangelist.

1. By doing consistent personal evangelism in the local church and the community.

2. By providing for training the believers in personal evangelism in both classroom and real life settings.

¶436 To be responsible for local church administration.

1. By overseeing the worship services.

2. By giving direction for the ministry of the local church.

3. By doing specific planning and goal-setting.

4. By reporting to the local board and submitting annual reports to the bishop.

5. By keeping accurate membership records.

6. By presenting the church Discipline.

7. By notifying the US bishop in writing at least 30 days before the effective date of resignation.

¶437 To provide pastoral care.

¶438 To promote national conference interests.

1. By regularly attending cluster meetings and national conference activities.

2. By promoting the ministries and partnership fee of the national church.

3. By presenting referenda items and overseeing referenda voting.

4. By promoting communications from the national office.

UB Discipline

The entire Discipline can be downloaded as a PDF file and printed on 8.5×11″ paper.

The Discipline can also be read on the UB App.

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