Ministerial Licensing and Ordination Teams

¶41 Composition of the Ministerial Licensing and Ordination Teams (MLOT)

1. The PMLT representatives from each region will select one or more interview teams for their respective regions.

2. A MLOT includes 3-5 licensed ministers, a majority of whom must be ordained elders.

3. Each MLOT must include at least one PMLT representative from the region of the ministerial candidate.

4. A MLOT may include ministers from other regions who bring a unique perspective and/or skill set to the team.

¶42 Duties of MLOTs

1. These licensing teams will interview people pursuing provisional, national, specialized, and ordination licenses

2. MLOT decisions must be approved by a two-thirds majority.

3. MLOTs will forward any recommendations to the PMLT, which has the final authority to grant licenses and approve ordinations.

The Pastoral Ministry Handbook is the responsibility of the the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team. They can make revisions at any time.

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