National Conference Ministers

¶131 Description

1. National conference ministers are those members of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, whose call to the ministry has been affirmed by the national conference and who are continuing the pursuit of ordination.

2. The national conference license is the second of three steps toward ordination, which is the goal expected of persons holding this license.

¶132 Qualifications

To become a candidate for this license, a person must fulfill the following:

1. Hold a provisional license for at least 12 months.

2. Complete two years of college and the course in United Brethren church history.

3. Demonstrate a level of faithfulness and competency which warrants consideration for a national conference license.

4. Demonstrate the following:

a. Faithfulness to the membership, family, and social standards of the church (UB Discipline, chapters 4-6).

b. Conformity to the general expectations of ministers (UB Discipline, chapter 7).

¶133 Licensing of National Conference Ministers

The following procedure is established for the licensing of national conference ministers.

1. Referral for National Conference License

a. After provisional ministers have held their license for a minimum of 12 months, they may request that their local churches refer them for consideration as national conference ministers.

b. The local church shall verify that the minister has met the qualifications, and shall make the appropriate referral should they deem the minister to be a suitable candidate.

c. After provisional ministers have held their license for a minimum of 12 months, they qualify for national conference license if:

(1) They have taken the course in United Brethren history.

(2) They have met the educational requirements


2. References

The candidate shall present five references giving evidence of the candidate’s faithfulness in Christian living and suitability of service using the Ministerial Reference for Ministerial Licensing form. References should be obtained from the following individuals:

a. A faculty or graduate school member in the candidate’s major area of study. This is not necessary if education was completed at a previous level.

b. The pastor of the local United Brethren church the candidate attends (or, if the candidate is the pastor, from another United Brethren pastor).

c. A layperson serving in leadership at the local United Brethren church the candidate attends.

d. The cluster leader.

e. A Personnel Team Chair or its equivalent.

3. Written Responses

The candidate shall present written responses to the following, along with Scripture references and personal examples to support the answers:

a. How have you grown in your understanding and love of God and his ways since your last interview? In what ways has this impacted your relationship with the people where you live, work, and play?

b. What is your view on the reliability of Scripture as God’s Word? How is that demonstrated in your life?

c. What is your motive for desiring a national conference license?

d. How has your understanding of and experience with the work of the Holy Spirit in your life grown since your last interview? How has that been demonstrated in your life?

e. In what ways are you maturing in your belief of the nature of humanity and the individual need for salvation?

f. Define the following terms: Trinity, incarnate, communion of saints, inspiration, revelation, grace, resurrection.

g. Describe your practice of evangelism. Share the story of the last person you led to Christ.

h. Will you submit to spiritual authority and agree to abide by the official actions of the denomination in all matters relating to your ministry? Do you have any reservations about so doing?

i. Are you satisfied with the membership, family, and social standards and with the government of this denomination, and will you seek to maintain them? What concerns, if any, do you have?

j. What are your future plans regarding ministry as they pertain to this license?

k. Will you faithfully pursue the course of study required for you? What is your plan for so doing?

l. Demonstrate your working knowledge of the Discipline in the following areas: the reception and duties of members, local church structure, and the classifications and duties of ministers.

m. What current debts do you have?

n. Have you ever pled guilty to or been convicted of any crime?

o. Have you ever been charged with child neglect or abuse?

p. Has your driver’s license ever been suspended or revoked?

q. Is your use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs consistent with the standards detailed in Discipline, Chapter 6, Paragraph 143? If not, please explain.

r. Describe the ways in which your marriage/family relationships are in harmony with the “Family Standards” chapter of the Discipline.

s. Demonstrate your understanding and practice of biblical conflict resolution based on Matthew 18. Provide specific examples of times you have applied these principles in the church.

4. Other Documents

The candidate shall also provide:

a. A copy of his/her academic transcripts.

b. Minister’s Profile.

c. The Minister’s Spouse survey (if married).

5. Examination

Based on the above documents and any others the committee may require, the candidate shall be examined to determine matters of:

a. Personal integrity.

b. Commitment to the Christian faith.

c. Ministerial call.

d. Relationships with others.

e. Spiritual maturity.

f. Understanding of the doctrinal distinctives, history, and polity of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA.

6. Report to the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team

a. Following the examination, the examining committee shall report its findings to the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team and make any recommendations it deems consistent with its findings.

b. Pending a favorable recommendation from the examining committee, the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team may choose to grant a national conference license.

¶134 Renewal

1. The national conference license is valid for four years. Following this initial four-year period, annual renewal is required.

2. Renewal is subject to the following conditions:

a. An annual report must be made to the bishop.

b. Progress is being made in the required course of study (see below).

¶135 Referral for Ordination Status

1. National conference ministers may be referred for ordination status when they meet the qualifications for ordination.

2. If ordination status is not granted, the previous status as a national conference minister will be retained.

¶136 Loss of the License

1. The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team shall have the authority to revoke the license of a national conference minister whose life and ministry is inconsistent with the expectations detailed in the Discipline.

2. Should they desire, the national conference minister shall be granted an opportunity for a hearing before final action is taken.

¶137 Expectations of National Conference Ministers

In addition to the general expectations of all ministers and members in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, USA, national conference ministers are expected to faithfully fulfill the following requirements:

1. Annual Reporting

All national conference ministers will file an annual report with the bishop and cluster leader. In addition, they are expected to file a separate annual report of their activities with the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team.

2. Accountability

a. Since this license is granted by the national conference, national conference ministers are accountable to the national conference.

b. Those who are senior pastors are also required to participate in and be accountable to a cluster.

3. Ministerial Service

a. National conference ministers shall work under the direction of the bishop.

b. National conference ministers may be asked to fill pulpits when ministers are ill or on vacation, or to be assigned as the senior pastor of a local church.

c. National conference ministers are authorized to officiate at funerals and weddings, and to administer the ordinances of baptism and communion.

4. Course of Study

All national conference ministers are expected to pursue a course of study outlined in the chapter “Ministerial Education.”

The Pastoral Ministry Handbook is the responsibility of the the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team. They can make revisions at any time.

The entire Pastoral Ministry Handbook can be downloaded as a PDF file.

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